Are you ready to start your search for scholarships you are eligible for? See the list below or filter by category.
Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) North Toronto
Canadian Sport School Hockey League
Children's Aid Foundation Scholarship
Co-op Housing Diversity Scholarship
Electronic Recycling Association MacBook Scholarship
Foster Children’s Bursary Program
Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League
InvestinTech Journalism Scholarship
Jam Filled Diversity in Animation Scholarship
Janitorial Manager Scholarship
Medavie Health Services Scholarship
Meridian Community Scholarship
Remax Quest for Excellence - Application
Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs Scholarship
Black Canadian Scholarship Fund
Black Business Professional Association
Black Veterinary Association of Canada
Canadian Council of Muslim Women
Caribbean Canadian Assn of Waterloo
Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business & Professionals
Jean Lumb Foundation - Chinese
Michael "Pinball" Clemons Foundation Annual Student Award
Polish Heritage Foundation of Canada
RBC DIversity Award - Black & Indigenous
The Tennille Paredes Financial Literacy Scholarship: Promoting Diversity in Finance
Award for Community Service - Ontario
Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation Bursaries
Crohns and Colitis Scholarship
Fairy Godparents Scholarship Greyson Jones Memorial Scholarship: 2SLGBTQIA+
Horatio Alger Association of Canada
Jamie Hubley Memorial Scholarship
Manulife Life Experience Scholarship
Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award - Food Allergy
Associations for Students with Accessibility needs
Browse Scholarships by Category
High school category refers to students currently in high school or who have recently graduated high school
University category also covers many scholarships for other forms of post-secondary education