PreVious Azul EVENTS

Scroll through to see some of the previous events we have hosted

and check out the calendar for any upcoming events!


LooKing For WOrk

Tuesday December 7th, 2021


  1. Trends in Hiring Practices

  2. How to Market Yourself

  3. Job Search Tips

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Business alumni panel

September 20th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm

An Instagram Live event in which two Alumni from Business programs were able to ask questions and provide any guidance.

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Live Q&A

Weekly on wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm

Questions regarding post-secondary schools, careers, scholarships and much more are answered by Helen Filipe, the Executive Director at Azul.

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January 6th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm

This was a free event for high school students who were interested in learning more about certain programs and universities. Students had the opportunity to speak with university students about the school they attend and their programs of study.

The students on the panel attended these schools: Ryerson University, Guelph-Humber University, Queen's University, University of Guelph, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Mississauga, University of Waterloo, Wilfred University 

The students on the panel attended these programs: Animal Biology, Biomedical Toxicology, Business Administration, Business Management, Civil Engineering, Concurrent Education, Commerce, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Geographical Information Systems, Mechatronics Engineering and Media Production

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Linkedin Tune-up

March 3rd, 9:00 pm

A session held for the Education Associates to help them either set up their own LinkedIn accounts or to help them improve their existing account.

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University Talks hosted by Azul and Upswing

MMarch 13th, 7:00 pm

This was a free event for high school students and parents who were interested in learning more about a student studying at the University of Toronto in the Rotman Commerce program. Individuals had the opportunity to speak with Sabina about her school and her program of study.

This event was done in partnership with Upswing Academy.

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Post-Secondary OPen house

MMarch 18th, 7:00 pm

This was a free event for high school students who were interested in learning more about certain programs, colleges and universities. Students had the opportunity to speak with college/university students about the school they attend and their programs of study.

The students on the panel attended these schools: Durham College, Guelph-Humber University, Ontario Tech University, Queen's University, Ryerson University, Sheridan College, University of Guelph, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Mississauga, Western University, and Wilfred Laurier University.

The students on the panel attended these programs: Animal Biology, Biomedical Toxicology, Business Administration, Business Management, Civil Engineering, Concurrent Education, Commerce (Rotman), Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Early Childhood Education, Geographical Information Systems, Genetic Sciences, Health Sciences, Justice Studies, Occupational Therapy and Nursing.

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University Talks hosted by Azul and Upswing

MMarch 27th, 7:00 pm

This was a free event for high school students and parents who were interested in learning more about a student studying at Western University completing an Honours Specialization degree in Health Sciences. Individuals had the opportunity to speak with Breanna about her school and her program of study.

This event was done in partnership with Upswing Academy.

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Linkedin Tune-up

April 7th, 9:00 pm

A session held to help individuals either set up their own LinkedIn accounts or to help them improve their existing accounts.